May 22, 2012

Global forces:

Five crucibles of change will restructure the world economy for the foreseeable future. Companies that understand them will stand the best chance of shaping it.

JUNE 2010 • Peter Bisson, Elizabeth Stephenson, and S. Patrick Viguerie 

Today, when the biggest business challenge is responding to a world in which the frame and basis of competition are always changing, any effort to set corporate strategy must consider more than traditional performance measures, such as a company’s core capabilities and the structure of the industry in which it competes.

An article reinforcing on the importance of applying pro-active approach towards climate shifts within Business Landscape. 

I see it as playing  Dodgeball against global forces & familiar trends. Watching out for external forces and trends, and attacking the economy with our modified business model  - hitting the opportunities right where it counts.

Video: Why trends matter
McKinsey director Peter Bisson explains the value of tracking global forces and how to build them into corporate strategy.

 In a nutshell Y/Our Business Strategy should be devised in response to global forces & trends; so that instead of facing a bottle neck after a decade, we would be witnessing a sustainable yet substantially profitable business cycle. 

Faiq A. Wyne 
Business Analysis & Development Professional 

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